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     B.R.A.S.S Archery was founded through the love of a sport and guidance of fellow sportsman that empowered a vision to share knowledge, skills and talents with future generations of  shooting enthusiasts.

   Kaine Brown, founder and director or BRASS Archery, is a Colorado Rocky Mountain native, growing up in the high alpine valleys of the Continental Divide. He grew in a lifestyle lived in tune with the vast wilderness we call the last best place of Colorado, known also as North Park.

     Kaine has had a fishing pole, a gun or a bow in his hand since toddlering around beaver dams and is at one with nature.  He developed his instincts of hunting and fishing, as well as the importance of conservation at a young age.  Guiding came natural through years of experience in personal hunts which led to a career as a professional guide upon graduating high school.

     Experience in the field of hunting, fishing and shooting expanded as he became a professional bow technician and semi-professional archer shooting for Matthews Archery, wearing a jersey for JAX'S Outdoors.

     His professional demeanor and wealth of knowledge in the fields of hunting, fishing and the sport of archery provide B.R.A.S.S Archery a solid foundation for success.


Helping you get on target

Our services section is under construction.  Please used the attached form to request information on our specific services.

Keep your bow in fine working order with a complete tune up annually. Tune up service includes:
Tuning Service
1 hr 30 min
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